Friday, May 9, 2008

Today is the official day of 10

10 Reasons why I like Summer.
1. Because there is no school
2. because there is no school
3. because I can sleep in.
4. because school is mean
5. because I have
Hakuna matata ( a Swahili phrase that means "There are no worries")
6. because I can sleep in.
7. because there is no school
8. because I dont like school
9. because I like playing
10. Because there is no school

10 People I know that like summer
1. Jaymes
2. Zuzu
3. Sophia
4. Mysterio
5. My bro 1#
6. My bro 2#
7. Me
8. People at my school
9. My Ripstick
10. My Wii

Ok You Guys are going to think this is crazy but there is one thing I DONT like about the summer. It is too hot!

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