Friday, May 23, 2008

Prince Caspian

For a friends birthday we went to see Prince Caspian. It was based on the book written by C.S Lewis. Overall I rated it a 7 out of 10. Here are some pictures....


Zuzu said...

Susan and Caspian would have made such a cute couple!

Jaymes said...

I agree. Why dont you go into any detail about it?

Sophia said...

I'm ready for a new post from you!

Joy said...

I cannot believe Zuzu said that!!!! They ruined the entire movie when they kissed!!! I hate kissing because it is so disgusting and gross and yucky!!! blech :P Ok so Lucy is the only good one in the movie. this was the worst narnia movie ever. (even though it's only the second one). so how do you explain why you haven't posted in so long.

Jonathan said...
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Jonathan said...

Kissing is not the end of the world, Joy......

Zuzu said...

Joy, they would have. They were perfect! :)