Thursday, February 21, 2008

History Quiz

1. The cradle of the Sumerian civilization was the delta of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. In what modern-day nation is this located?

(A) Iraq
(B) Mongolia
(C) Turkey
(D) Greece

2. Of the 25 great civilizations, this was the most durable, lasting almost 4,000 years.

(A) Greek
(B) Egyptian
(C) Phoenician
(D) Hrappa

3. The Hittite empire lasted from 1900-1200 BC. What was its capital?

(A) Harappa
(B) Hattusas
(C) Laconia
(D) Cilicia

4. The Chinese civilization flourished in the Yellow River basin between 1600 BC and well into the twentieth century. In around 600 BC, Lao Tzu was born. What religion did he found?

(A) Buddhism
(B) Zoroastrianiam
(C) Confucianism
(D) Taoism

5. The Babylonian empire flourished from 1930 BC until 539 BC, when it was conquered by ________.

(A) Alexander the Great
(B) Hammurabi
(C) Darius I
(D) Cyrus the Great

6. The Central American civilization flourished from 1200 BC to AD 1550. One of the greatest non-Western civilizations was developed by the Maya, between AD 250 and 900. Which of these was NOT a Mayan city?

(A) Tikal
(B) Uxmal
(C) Copan
(D) Tlaxcala

7. The Spartan civilization lasted from 650 BC to AD 395. The ancient Greek city-state of Sparta was famous for warring with the city-state of Athens in what was known as the _______ Wars.

(A) Ionic
(B) Punic
(C) Peloponnesian
(D) Greek

8. The civilization of Islam, founded in AD 632 and still flourishing, is also a religion founded by the prophet Muhammad in Arabia. What does the word "islam" mean?

(A) Submission
(B) Almighty
(C) God
(D) Worship

9. The Orthodox Christian civilization began around AD 680 and survives today in Turkey and Eastern Europe. What alphabet was developed by these people?

(A) Cyrillic
(B) Elamite
(C) Babylonian
(D) Old Persian

10. The Ottoman Empire, located in what is now Turkey, lasted from 1324 to 1922. What occurred in 1922 to bring an end to the empire?

(A) A republic was established
(B) The area became part of Greece
(C) The empire was invaded by Huns
(D) The area became part of the Soviet Union

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