Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Hubble Telescope.

The Hubble Telescope is a telescope launched in 1990. It is located in space and orbit's the earth in about 96–97 minutes! It weighs 24,250 lbs and goes at 16800 mph. This telescope is very important in space because it has taken thousands of amazing pictures. Provided that Hubble telescope is close enough, it is dark, and the skies are clear enough, the Hubble Telescope can be seen without a telescope. Amazingly the Hubble telescope has seen galaxies well over 12 billion light years away. It weighs 24,250 lbs and goes at 16800 mph. The main advantage of having it in space is… It is not blurred or blocked by the atmosphere, clouds, and gasses. A disadvantage of having it in space is… It gets sometimes gets blocked from taking pictures of what it is supposed to be taking pictures of by the earth Its is 94 inches in Diameter. It's main parts are its antenna, its solar panels, its aperture door, and its lens. Its antenna is used to gather energy. Its solar panels are also used to keep in . Its aperture door is used to cover the lens when the telescope is not being used. Its lens are used to make things visible when they are extremely far away. This telescope from its original cost estimate of $400 million dollars, the telescope had actually took over $2.5 billion dollars to construct. The Hubble Telescope's costs up to this day are estimated to be several times higher, between $4.5 and $6 billion dollars. Out of every 200 papers published each year which contain most of the space information, about 10% are based on Hubble data. The Hubble telescope has a low earth orbit.

Sources: 1.


Sophia said...

I can't believe it orbits the Earth in less than 100 minutes!

Jaymes said...

$6 billion dollars!!!!!! Wow! Nice job Photogblog. Was that your science project paper? :)